viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008

Web 2.0

The original concept of the web (Web 1.0) was static pages HTML that they were not updated frequently, it was created in 1990 by Tim Berners and Robert Cailliau.

IN 2004 Tim O'Reilly createdthe web 2.0. This this web orientated to the interaction and social nets, which can serve content that exploits the effects of the nets creating or not interactive and visual webs. That is to say, the web 2.0 operate more as points of meeting, or webs dependent users', that as traditional webs.

In general, when we mention the term Web 2.0 we say to a series of applications and Internet page that they use the collective intelligence to provide interactive services in net giving to the user the control of his information..
We can understand as web 2.0" all that usefulness and Internet service that are sustained in a database, which can be modified by the users of the service, already be in his content (adding, changing or erasing information or associating information with the existing information), well in the way of presenting them, or in content and he(she) forms simultaneously. "

the Web 2.0 can be compared with the Web 1.0 hereby:

web 1 ............................................................. web 2
doubleclick............................................. google
Adsenseofoto............................................................ Flickr Akamai ....................................................BitTorrent ...................................................Napster
British encyclopedia................................ Wikipedia
personal Webs ..........................................blogging
Evite........................................... and EVDB
Seen pages............................................ cost by click
screen scraping...................................... services web publication ...............................................participation
system of management of contents.......... wiki

Credits:wikipedia and google

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