viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008


A few years ago one started introducing the technology, nowadays this technology is almost necessary to live; the computers, for example they are very useful, if you need to find information you can find in Internet, you can speak with your friends, listen music, see movies or videoes and even the tegnologia helps to the education.

The evolution of the educational technology, which as discipline "it was born" in The United States of America in the decade of the 50, has given place to different trends that we have known as audio-visual education, programmed learning, technology instruccional, curriculum development ...

The new technologies create new scenes of learning, it is necessary to be conscious that the utilization of these languages and forms needs a costly infrastructure (audio-visual, computer devices ...) that is not within reach of many schools and one to know that, in any cases, it does not have the professorship.
It's good to achieve that the centers are provided with resources.The teachers' young promotions have a best formation in the use of the new means.It is necessary to achieve as soon as possible that in the school education the computers are so normal and "invisible" like the books, in order that the use of the new technologies is not an exceptional phenomenon, but a daily activity in the academic life of the educational centers.

I like de idea to introduce the technologies with the education, becouse in a few years the new technologies going to are indispensable. And not only in the education or in the homes, also in the work and in other places.I like the idea that we have the digital blackboards in class and to use them for projects, homework etc.My parents have given me a psp, and I like to be able to use it better, also to nivel student.

Credits: Wikipedia, me and google.

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

The climate change

We are at the end of summer and it hasn't done many days of intense heat.In winter did more heat of the normal, and hadn't many spring. If on every station it doesn't do the temperature that it must do it wants to say that the stations are learning to rotate or that the climatic change even is with us. Yes,it is the second.

For some years there have been changes in the climate, the temperature, the stations etc. This change is due to the modification of the climate on a large scale.
The parameters:temperatura, rainfalls, cloudiness etc., they are due to natural reasons, but in the last centuries also the human collaborated.
Además del calentamiento global, el cambio climático implica cambios en otras variables como las lluvias globales y sus patrones, la cobertura de nubes y todos los demás elementos del sistema atmosférico.La unica forma de evaluar estos ambios es modelos computacionales que intentan simular la física de la atmósfera y de los océanos, pero son muy limitados porque se desconoce el movimiento actual de la atmosfera.

Besides the global warming, the climatic change involves changes other climatic things like the global rains, the coverage of clouds and all the rest elements of the atmospheric system. The only way of evaluating these canges is a machin that try to simulate the physics of the atmosphere and of the oceans, but they are very limited because the current movement of the atmosphere is not known.

The human is today one of the climatic agents of importance. It started by felling forests to turn them . At the end of The 17th century the man started using fossil fuels that the land had accumulated in the subsoil. The burning oil, coal and natural gas has caused an increase of the CO2 in the atmosphere an increase of the temperature. It thinks that since the man measures the temperature approximately 150 years ago this one has increased 0,5 ºC and an increase of 1ºC in 2020 and of 2ºC in 2050. The reductions of the energetic intensity in the light vehicles, fuel would save itself, they can diminish the specific emission between 10% and 25% for the year 2020. And, if diesel, natural gas or propane is in use instead of petrol, technically they can reduce the emission between 10% and 30%, which would reach 80% if the fuels come from renewable sources.