jueves, 31 de julio de 2008

Present Perfect Simple
Present Perfect Continuous

Like the other verbal forms this one also has two forms:
Present Perfect Simple:
The present perfect simple expresses an action that is still going or is stopped recently, but has an influence on the present.
It's compost by:
subject+to have(present simple)+the past participle of the verb of the acction+rest of the sentencie.
Ex.: The celling was white. Now is red. She has painted the celling.

Also we can form the negative and interrogative form.
Negative form: subject+to have+not(haven't)+the past participle of the verb of the acction+the rest of the sentencie.
Ex.: I haven’t walked for one hour.
Interrogative form:to have+subject+the past participle of the verb of the acction+the rest of the sentencie.
Ex.: have you walked?

Present perfect continuous:
We use the present perfect continuous for an activity that has recently stopped or just stopped.
It's compost by:
subject+to have+been+the verb of the acction+ing+the rest of the sentencie.
Ex.: I have been singing this morning.
Also we can form the negative and interrogative form.
Negative form: subject+to have+not(haven't)+been+ the verv of the acction+ing+the rest of the sentencie.
Ex.:Chris hasn't been feeling well recently.
Interrogative form:to have+subject+been+the verb of the acction+ing.
Ex.:Have you been runing?

Credits:http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/presentperfect.html, an englishgrammar book and me.

Will and Going to

There are two ways of writing the phrases in future:

We use will when we decide to do something at the time of speaking
It's compost by:
will+ the infinitive of the verb of the action (without to) + rest of the sentence
Ex: Did you phone Lucy?No, i'll phone her now.
With will we can form a negative and interrogative sentences:
Negative form: subject + will not(won't) + the infinitive of the verb of the action+ rest of the sentence.
Ej.: Kate will not (won't) wash the dishes tomorrow.
Interrogative form: Will+ Subject+ the infinitive of the verb of the action+ rest of the sentence.
Ej.: Will Sophie wash the car tomorrow?.

Going to:
We use going to to say something that we have already decided to do in the future.
It's compost by:
To be(present) + GOING TO + the infinitive of the verb of the action
Ex: John is going to watch a film tonight.

Also, going to have the negative an the interrogative form:
Negative form: Subject + to be + not + Going to + the infinitive of the verb of the action + rest of the sentence.
Ex: John is not(isn't) going to wach a film tonight

Interrogative form: To be + subject + Going to + the infinitive of the verb of the action + rest of the sentence
Ex: Is John going to wach a film tonight?

Credits: an exercice book and me.

miércoles, 30 de julio de 2008

Present Simple and Present Continuous

for make sentencies in present exist two forms:

Present simple:

We use the present simple to talk about things in general.We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that somthing is true in general.
It is compost by:
Subject + verb(in present simple) + rest of the sentence.
-I usually go away at the weekend.

Also, we use do/does to make questions and negative sentencies.
-Where do you came from?(questions)
-He doesen't cook very well.(negative)

Present continuous:

The present continuous consist in a preson is doing an action,the person is in the middle of the action, the person has started doing the acction, but the person dosen't finsh yet.

It is compost by:
-Subject + To Be + -ing
Pleas don't make so much noise. I'm tying to work.
(The person is tying to work,becouse, the person start to work, but the person don't finish yet)

But, also, the action is not necessarily at the time of speaking.
Pepe is talkingto a friend on the .he says:
-I'm reading a really good book a t the momentit's about a man who...
(Pepe is not reading the book when he is talking with his friend.He says that he has started it, but has not finish yet, this have means that he is in the middle of reading the book).

Credits:me and an exercice book
Past Simple and Past Continuous.

They are two, differents, actions that happened in the past.

Past Simple:
It is a complete action that happened in the past, that is, something started and finished at the moment of speaking.
It is composed by:
-Subject + verb in pat simple + rest of the sentence.
-We use "did" to make negative sentences and questions.
Ex:Yesterday, I studied from 5:00 to 6:30 with a friend.
(the action began at 5:00 and finish at 6:30, it is a complete action).

Past Continuous:
It is an action that was interrupted by another action.
It is formed by:
-Subject + To be(in past simple) + verb+ing + rest of the sentence.
-To make the negative form and questions we use the verb "To be".
Yesterday, I was studying with a friend when my mother called us to dinner.
(The action in past continuous was interrupted by "My mother's call").

Credits: my english teacher (after school), me and the grammar red book.